The other day I had a dream...
"I see the city of Petrograd (St.Petersburg)
In nineteen seventeen:
Soldiers and sailors are moving
And shooting on-the-run.
A worker's pulling the machine gun.
He'll join the battle soon.
"Down with masters and landlords!"
Says the poster on the wall."
(from a Soviet children poem abour 1917 "October Revolution")
"Down with masters and landlords!"
Says the poster on the wall."
(from a Soviet children poem abour 1917 "October Revolution")
"Long live total armament of people and first of all Workers"
(Some people on the photo, especially with bowler hats, do look like real workerts!)
But why? Because they were given alcohol and cocain.
(Thanks to German Headquarters which delivered couple of tons of cocaine to the Russian Naval base in Helsingfors - Helsinki).
(Thanks to German Headquarters which delivered couple of tons of cocaine to the Russian Naval base in Helsingfors - Helsinki).
According to the occasion 'brother' Dybenko, a "hero of Revolution",
a bolshevik anarchist sailor from Ukraine, shot 120 officers, for fun (March 1917).
After that I dreamed of Maidan (Independence Square in Kiev) though I had never been there. And then I began to jump back and forth.
"If you have Mauser (revolver), you've got alcohol and cocaine" (1917 joke).
Red soldier are robbing a wine shop
If you have an AK sub-machine gun, you can deliver a lecture on effective management to regional MPs... Ukraine 2014 (On the photo one of the chiefs of the Right Sector Musichko).
Right Sector Musichko teaching Regional MPs how to work effectively
The Promises of 1917 Revolution.
The Promises of Maidan 2014 г.
Lenin: Land - to peasants, factory - to workers? Fuck off, folks! (stick thumb between index and middle fingers in Russia)
The Promises of Maidan 2014 г.
The present deputy Prime-minister Yatseniuk: I've come to give you the European carrot.
Destruction of monuments in 1917 Russia
Stolypin was first hanged and then demolished
Destruction of monuments in 2014 Ukraine.
The Monument to the Soviet Soldier was demolished near Lvov, Western Ukraine. Shame to Faschist freaks!
What did they want in Russia in 1917?
Forsake the Old World
Bloody Nikolas II (tzar) (to be put) to prison!
Long Live Free Ukraine
Leon Trotsky (Bronshtein), a leader of October Revolution: " We must turn Russia into a desert, populated by white negroes, whom we will provide with such a tyranny, that even the worst Oriental despotic kings would never deramed of."
What do they want at Maidan, Kiev, 2014?
Bandera'll come and put things right!
(Stepan Bandera - Westeren Ukraine nationalist, Nazi collaborator and murderer)
(Stepan Bandera - Westeren Ukraine nationalist, Nazi collaborator and murderer)
Death to Rusians!!!
More Killings
More Killings
Yanukovich - goes into ass
Ukraine - goes to Europe
Berkut (police force) are whores, Yanukovich (president) is а pimp.
Added in English:
"I don't beleive anything. I'm just here for VIOLENCE"
Added in English:
"I don't beleive anything. I'm just here for VIOLENCE"
Cross unto devil,
Sword unto moscals (Russians)!
No translation required
levels any freak and alpha male
levels any freak and alpha male
The fun of Maidan 2014.
Lustration (purges)! Ukranian MPs fighting
Popular revolutionary rhyme: "Moskal - Russian is the one who does not dance!"
Comrade Trotsky brought from Brighton Beach to St.Petersburg on board the ship with armaments some 300 heavily armed ethnic gunmen who could hardly speak Russian.
The vanguard or "the rocket fuel" of 2014 Maidan.
The Right Sector
In Ukranian: How many times must we repeat that we are not fascists, we are nationalists
"All around is treason, cowardice, and deceit"
The Money for the October Revolution of 1917:
$ 2 million given to Trotsky by US bankers were enough to
corrupt and destroy Russia.
'Motherland at Risk! ...Return Lenin to Wilhelm (German Emperor)!
Anti-bolshevik demonstration in Petrograd in 1917.
Anti-bolshevik demonstration in Petrograd in 1917.
The Money for 2014 Maidan: More than $ 5 billion (official data) was invested in Ukraine. During Jan-Feb 2014 $ 20 million in cash was delivered weekly for Maidan "household needs" from US embassy in Kiev.
The main puppet-master and donor of 1917 revolution.
US Embassy in Petrograd in 1917 The British Embassy in Petrograd in 1917
The "Chocolate King" billionaire Poroshenko:
What am I guilty of?
I did not kill them, I just gave money.
The leaders of 1917 revolution.
©. Post-card devoted "To the First Anniversary of the Great October Revolution on October 25, 1917-1918" with the portraits of 12 Main Leaders of RSFSR. Their names: Lenin, Krylenko, Zinoviev, Kollontay, Bukharin, Lunacharsky, Trotsky, Sverdlov, Rykov, Kamenev, Radek and Pokrovsky. (95 % of them beloged to one ethnical group)
The Leaders of Maidan 2014.
Dmitry Yarosh (leader in Hebrew), Leader of the Right Sector: "We are against Russian people in the Crimea. Because Russians will never glory Bandera, respect our greek-catholiс faith, insurgent history and our language.
Russians will always respect and love Russia. They can not be assimilated. Therefore in the name of well-being of Ukraine Russians must be annihilated and expeled from the Crimea. Otherwise it is rather belong totally to Tatars!"
Dmitry Yarosh (leader in Hebrew), Leader of the Right Sector: "We are against Russian people in the Crimea. Because Russians will never glory Bandera, respect our greek-catholiс faith, insurgent history and our language.
Russians will always respect and love Russia. They can not be assimilated. Therefore in the name of well-being of Ukraine Russians must be annihilated and expeled from the Crimea. Otherwise it is rather belong totally to Tatars!"
Oleg Tyagnibok, Leader of Svoboda Party:
1) We must have the Ministry of Conscience (anti-Russian)
(Cf. Orwell's Ministry of Truth)
2) Ukraine must declare Russians as NON-Residents in Ukraine
3) We must prohinit speaking RUSSIAN LANGUAGE, and introduce criminal sanctions for it
© Tyagnibok Feb. 2, 2014
"As a rule, in times of turmoil it is the most organized, the most unprincipled, and the most goal-oriented force, which wins. This happened in 1917, and it continues like this until now."
The "heroes" of 1917 revolution.
Latvian Riflemen, who have arrived to be at command of the Military-Revolutianary Committe of the 12th Army. October 27 (November), 1917
Latvian Riflemen, who have arrived to be at command of the Military-Revolutianary Committe of the 12th Army. October 27 (November), 1917
Punitive squads of Latvians and Chineese forcefuly take bread, destroy villages and shoot peasants
The "heroes" of Maidan 2014. The Right Sector
who were severely beatyen by the bloody Berkut (special police force)
GUNMEN (on the left) for PEARCEFUL PROTESTOR (on the right)
Horror, violence, freebootery in 1917 Petrograd.
"A team of drunk and under cocaine sailors are examining the palms of the passangers of a street-car in Petrograd. If there is no callosity - subject to be shot down."
"A team of drunk and under cocaine sailors are examining the palms of the passangers of a street-car in Petrograd. If there is no callosity - subject to be shot down."
Horror, violence, freebootery in 2014 Ukraine.
Hairy I.Miroshnichenko Svoboda MP with colleagues are "teaching" Ukranian Nathional TV 5th channel director not to broadcast Putin.
The dope of Maidan 2014.
What is the end of a revolution?
What is the purpose of Revolution and Maidan?
Instead of one oligarch (Yanukovich, existing president on the right)... there is going to be another one ("chocolate king" US backed Oleg Poroshenko on the left)?
Secretary of State J.Kerry to Petro Poroshenko, Chocolate billionaire king and next to be Ukranian President: Pedro, if you destroy Ukraine, your candies will be sold in Honduras
just begins with white ribbons and ends like this.
how to solve problems
Who benefits from chaos?
Here are some social entertainers of the current situation on Earth
True goals of October 1917 uprising and Maidan
As a sacrifice to the International Workingmen's Association
"The art of a military leader is to make non-jews kill non-jews with non-jewish hands"
Leon Bronshtein (Trotsky)
Leon Bronshtein (Trotsky)
Can't you remember, freak, that this is fascism (on the left), that is nazism (in the middle), and this is nationalism (on the right - Bandera)
Well, where are you crawling from?
"This kind can come forth by nothing,
but by prayer and fasting".
Otto Von Bismark was right!
"To make enemies of two parts of one nation, and watch when one brother will kill another one..."
"The power of Russia can be weakened only by its separation from Ukraine ... it is necessary not only to cut it off, but set Ukraine against Russia, make enemies of two parts of one single nation, and watch as one brother will kill another one. To do this, it is necessary to find and nurture the traitors among the national elite and use them to change the identity (consciousness of one part of the great nation to such an extent that he would hate everything Russian, hate one;s generation, without realizing it. Everything else is a matter of time. "
Otto Von Bismark (1815-1898) Chancellor of the German Empire
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