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суббота, 5 июля 2014 г.

№ 74 NEO-Nazism in Ukraine or How to set a brother against brother

UKRAINE AND RUSSIA: two bothers played off one against another

What is Neo-Fascism or Neo-Nazism in Uktaine today?

It includes:

Entrenched natiionalism: Ukrainians are exceptional and unique.

I'm OК (+), Others - Not OK (-)

The Map of Ukranian Empire

Russophobia: hatred toward Russia, the Russians and everything Russian.

                       The Portrait of a Russian according to Nazi Svoboda (Liberty) partry

                                                                      Stab the Russian

   Intolerance and conteptuos attitude towards their own 

   citizens - residents of the South-East (calling them 

   beetle bugs, inhumans, cattle, etc). 

   I + + +,  They - - - - - - - - - -.

People are forced to "think differently" or even approve vilolence, murderers (massacre in Odessa, detention and murders of foreign journalists).

Ukro-Fascism is based on:

1) Inferiority complex, fear and concerns that someone is smarter, more successful and beatiful than oneself. And for that the opponent should be eliminated and destroyed.

To avoid painful experiences of one's inferiority complex the following myths are imposed.

"All go to Maid"All move to Maidann Square!"
"Yanukovich (former President) must resign!"
"Ukraine - forward!"
"Authorities are bandits!"
"We are Europe!"

The myths are invented by secret services and steadily spread by mass media which are tottally owned and controlled by oligarchs or created on Western grants. Russian channels are switched off.  

Major mass media owned by president Poroshenko, oligarch Kolomoysky and other billionairs

1) Ukraine is the Europe. And we deserve it.

2) Extol the role of Maidan: "Ukranian anti-corruption revolution of national dignity" .

What is the purpose of the revolution and Maidan?

One oligarch (Yanukovich on the right) was replaced by another one (Poroshenko).

Find 5 differences.

3) Exposing the enemy
Moscow, the Kremline and Putin should be blamed for all the troubles and misfortunes of Ukraine during 23 years of independence.

One must acknowledge that due to the lack of alternative point of veiw and total brainwashing of the population 

Ukranian mass media - the most truthful!

the majority of Ukranians (as well as some Europeans) believe in the following lies (as they make life easier and prevent from THINKING - DO NOT THINK):

The Ukranian people is thankful for liberating cities from terrorists!

1. It was Putin who organized Maidan in order to take over the Crimea.
2. There is hunger and terror in Crimea. Soon they will crawl on their knees and ask us to be a part of Ukraine. 
3. Russia is a totalitarian country where life is impossible. 
4. Putin is a terrible demon that never sleeps. 
5. Russians in Ukraine want to establish Russia around them, so they should go away. 
6. Russia is a colossus with feet of clay, and the West and the European Union is a bright future for all mankind. 
"According to various estimates, up to five million of citizens of Ukraine  stay abroad almost illegally, and therefore are paid less. They successfully compete in Europe with the Afro-Asian refugees. No racism - Ukrainian migrant workers in Italy have the same rights as blacks from Somalia in their right to work for a penny. Ukrainian prostitutes have become a world-class brand. For sure Europe does not need Ukrainian workforce, unemployment in Europe is breaking all records. Millions of Poles are always ready to take any free vacancy » Http://www.kolonker.com/articles/?id=71 
7. The massacre in the city of Odessa where 48 people  were burnt alive was arranged by Russian security service FSB, and not the Right Sector gunmen. 
8. The people in Odessa Trade Union building set fire on themselves and actually they were citizens of the Russian Federation with fake Ukrainian passports. 
9.Terrorists in Slovyansk (in the South-East) kill and torture people. How could you miss that? 
10. 70% of the population of Donbas is for one united Ukraine. 
11.We will take back Crimea by all means. Ukrainian citizens live there, therefore we cut off water to them. 
12. Separatists in Donbass forcibly gather people in front of them to hide behind a human shield against the troops sent by Kiev. 
13.There are no bandera-gunmen-fascists, it's a trick of Moscow propaganda. 
14.There is a NATO aircraft carrier in the Black sea. Soon we will show these Russians! 
15.WE'll be soon captured by Putin and my son will be sent to Afghanistan or Chechnya. 
16. Crimean Tatars will soon be deported to Siberia again. 
17. Ukraine always had these God-given boundaries
18. Ukranian Soviet Socialist Republic was an independent state, and therefore my homeland is not the USSR. 
19. All sites with domain RU are controlled by FSB and of course they lye, etc... 

4) Maniacal preoccupation with national security: fear is used by the government to control and push people. 
Russia has invaded us.

Kikes - Jews and Russians
will come after you

5) The atmosphere of total fear and intimidation inside the country:

plans to arrange "filtration camps" (concentration camps) and relocate dissidents by force, as announce by the Ministry of Defence of a free Ukraine: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=anerHscWnfY

6) People in the name of patriotism in many cases prefer not to notice the  crimes of gunmen from the Right sector and "servants" of the people.

Bandera (WWII Nazi collaborator) will come
and put everything in order

7) Rampant nepotism and corruption - make money on government orders, appoint relatives to serve in governmental bodies.

Gentlemen, On sale is the territory for military bases and radioactive waste deposits!
Together with slaves and shale gas! Hurry up! Great Sale!

They secretely sell off national wealth and destroy national defense industry.

8) Pushing of modern Western values

9) Destruction of parental morals and distortion of historical facts:

Here's your Svoboda (Liberty) party!
In Babiy Yar fascists killed 150 000 jews in 1941.

truths about WWII, that its memory "is sacred".

The symbol of Victory is compared with the beatle

That those who launch wars commit crime against humanity, life and the world. 27 millions of Russian killed in the war were for nothing!

Russian deputies are ENEMIES, Russian people are IDIOTS, police forces are TRAITORS

Denying mutual Slavonic roots and friendship, that we are together for 1000 year - KIEV RUSSIA

"We'll never be brothers
according to mother and motherlands.

You do not have the spirit of freedom -
we even can't be free with you"

Whitening of the crimes of Ukranian fascists and murderers during WWII:

"For many Ukranians today the word 'banderovets" (the name of the fascists collaborator) is positively associated with:

In the middle Stepan Bandera among fascist friends.

well-educated, self-organized, freedom-like, patriotic, sharing European values person​​" (according to one young Kiev" intellectual ").

Western ukranians who killed Polish, jews, Russians and Ukranians have become national heroes.

Are these fags your heroes?

Their sons and grandsons burn alive those who disagree with them in Odessa and kill their brothers in the South-East.

In fact, Jewish leaders in Ukraine side with the fascism and bandera-gunmen, deny Holocaust. The same thing happened in Germany in the 1920s and 30s - at first nobody wanted to notice Nazis, and then ... it was too late to pack things.


The Governor of Dnepropetrovskaya region jewish billionaire Kolomoisky openely call himself ... kike-bandera (jew fascist).

Something wrong with his head?

appoints cash prizes for the heads of his citizens and Russian "terrorists" in the South-East.

$ 10 000 for a Russian

'He who controls the past controls the future. He who controls the present controls the past.' G.Orwell

       Glorification of the struggle for independence. We are ready to give our lives for this freedom! Glory to Ukraine! Glory to the heroes! Hero fascist craves death, advertised as the best compensation for his heroic life. In Ukraine he most often prefers to kill others - his brothers.

The Russian is the one who does not dance(from a popular revolutionary rhyme)

How was the brother hooked? 

By his weakness - PRIDE, when a peasant wants to be a university professor and seargent - general for free, without applying any efforts.

(Ukranian is just) Proud for the fact that he is not Russian

By his greed (avarice), by the darkest sides of the human soul and subconscious. 

Ukranian girl on a sightseeing tour on the Red Square in Moscow with the fascist Right Sector banner:
Gloty to Ukraine! Moscow will be in ruins!

    By the illusion of freedom, which is not abroad - in the West, but inside - in the heart.

I want to live in Europe
and not in the Soviet Ukraine!

Well, what if the prodigal son wants to spend his inheritance and live in Europe ...? 

Well, what if the brother does not want to understand that the purpose of all these events is to make 2 brothers fight and destroy RUSSIA, UKRAINE creating a new World order?

“Every human being seems to have a small fascist in his head. This is derived from the deepest layers of the personality (the Child in the Child). In civilized people it is usually deeply buried beneath a platform of social ideals and trainig, but with proper permissions and directives, as history has shown again and again, it can be liberated into full bloom. In the less civilized portion of the population, it is openly exposed and nurtured, and awaits only proper opportunities for periodic expression. In both cases it is a strong force in advancing the script: in the first case, secretly, subtly, and denied: in the second case, crudely or even proudly acknowledged. But it may be said that whoever is not aware of this force in his personality has lost control of it. He has not confronted himself, and cannot know where he is headed.                                                                                                   E.Berne

"What have we  achieved during 23 years of this intoxicating 

freedom? What we can be proud of? 

Good Ukranian girls do not make love with the Russians

That our women take care of old women in the West and 
work in brothels? That our males compete with Polish for the right to collect strawberries in Portugal or with Moldovans to work as construction workers in Russia? That we do not have a normal army that can protect us, and now we even miss police? And our children are ready to fight with our own sons and fathers from Berkut (special police force)? 

We remain proud that we Ukrainians. And this is our only reason to be proud of? 

According to the census of 1912 in Russia there was no ukranians as a nation

Why are we trying to whitewash the traitors, and make them heroes? Where are our real heroes known to the whole world? Where is our Shakespeare, Einstein, Gagarin? At least someone who can give us a glimpse of hope and faith? 

Hold on! But we did launch the first satellite! We did beat Napoleon, Hitler, Turks and Swedes and a lot of other nations and tribes who attacked our land! 

We need to to remember that we are one single entity. And when we will begin to understand and realize it we will experience the same as our ancestors. The sense of inner strength, hope, faith and pride for the fact that we are also Russian. 

My grand dad killed fascists and it seems that I have to do it now!

It does not matter who our ancestors were, Ukrainians, 

Tatars, Jews, Buryats or Uzbeks. No matter who we are by 

faith, Catholics, Orthodox, Muslims or Jews. It's not that 

important. The most important thing is that we are Russians! 

And we are part of a great nation and a great country. 

I am a patriot of Ukraine, a true patriot, and now the fate of 

my people and my Ukraine are at stake. 

Either we remember who we are, or just disappear.

I love my Ukrainian people, my ancestors and our culture. 

I am Ukrainian, but more than that I am Russian!

Source: http://www.warandpeace.ru/ru/exclusive/view/88327/

Satan is the author of all revolutions, one antichrist being replaced by another one, the latter being even more cruel and aggressive as what we see in today Ukraine.

Expulsion of demons

I wish my brother "come to himself" (Luke 15:18).

In the meantime, maybe it would be better to live like this? As in the very beginning?

Novorossia (New Russia)

The monuments of the totalitarian regime in Ukraine.

The gifts - territories given to Ukraine by Russian Tzars,

 Lenin, Stalin, 

 Kruschev (Crimea, 1954) which enlarged the territory of the country.

Former presidenr Yuschenko ordered  to destroy these relics in 2008.

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